Los Trancos Woods Community Association

Board Meeting Minutes

May 29, 2001


The meeting was held at Michael GlennÕs home, 115 Lake Rd. It was called to order at 7:05PM by Michael Glenn (temporary chair). In attendance were Linda Drey-Nightingale, Julie Duncan, Armin Strapins, Dave Lowin, Peri Nielsen, Gale Smith, Michael Glenn, Jerry Jensen, Toni Markley, Marc Levaggi, Curt Parkin, & Rebecca Reynolds.


         Agenda: Read, discuss, and revise/update the Los Trancos Community Association Articles of Association (Last revised 1980). Then, time permitting, discuss the two vacancies on the Re-zoning committee.


         Discussion of the Articles of Association was undertaken line by line. Several revisions were agreed upon (see below), and one outstanding issue left to be discussed at a later date.




         General - Revisions will be made to remove sexist language and grammatical errors.


         I. Name - Los Trancos Woods Community Association (instead of Los Trancos Community Association).


         III. Membership - The second sentence of Section A was deleted. It was felt that paying dues and application should not be a prerequisite for welcoming all residents or property owners. In Section B, the second half of the sentence was deleted. It was decided that, for the purposes of this document, a dollar amount should not be specified.


         IV. Executive Committee - There was considerable discussion on whether the Executive Body should be called ‘Committee’ or ‘Board’. In the end, it was decided that, since there is no legal difference between the two names, and since we have been calling it ‘Board’ for the last several years, Executive Committee will be revised to Executive Board. Also, it was decided that ‘Chair’ should be changed to ‘President’.


         IV. A & B.- After considerable discussion of the make up of the Executive Board and how they will be elected, it was decided that this section will be revised to reflect the addition of an Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, and to include District Representative Alternates. Additionally, the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, & President would be elected in September at the annual picnic for a two year term. The candidates for these offices could be existing members of the Board or the general membership. This would bring the total number of Board seats to fourteen. However, each District would only get one vote even if both the Rep & alternate were present at a Board meeting making a total of 10 possible Board votes.


         IV. C - Discussion of this section was tabled to the next meeting when we realized this topic was too big to be resolved in the time allotted. Michael Glenn pointed out that “household” needs to be defined with regard to voting. There was concern that persons owning more than one parcel would not be able to vote for the interests of all their properties. Jerry Jenson proposed ‘One vote per mailbox’ as a solution. Peri suggested a two tier voting method; general membership vote on non-economic issues, while issues potentially effecting property value would be voted on by number of parcels (i.e.. if one owns 3 parcels they are entitled to 3 votes). Since this came up at the end of the meeting there was no formal agreement and the whole topic needs further discussion.


         VI. C. - The second sentence should be changed to ‘A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board’. This was necessary due to the increase in the number of Board seats set in Section IV A.


         Appendix - Linda Drey-Nightingale pointed out several corrections to the addresses that mark the boundaries of the 4 districts.


         Action: After the issue of ‘voting’ and ‘household’ are further defined & tentatively resolved, Linda will type up a document that shows the revisions. This will then be provided to the membership for comment. Comments will be considered at the following Board meeting. When the Board is satisfied that the revised Articles are consistent & in accordance with the comments of the Association, a vote will be taken as set forth in Article VII.


         Re-zoning Committee - Michael Glenn reminded us that there are two vacancies on this committee. Armin said that the committee, at present, has no scheduled meetings & has “come unraveled”. He stated his willingness to continue as the “central person” of this committee. He further noted that the recently circulated ‘Re-zoning petition’ did not come from the committee, but rather from Jean Rasch on her own. It was tentatively decided that anyone interested in joining this committee should contact the Board rather than a committee member. The thinking was that since this committee is an extension of the Board, members should be appointed by the Board. Michael stated that he would like to see the make up of this committee consist of persons whose persuasions reflect both sides of the issue & can work together in “good faith” to come up with a recommendation to present to the residents.


The meeting was adjourned at 9PM. Next meeting will be July 11, 2001, location to be determined.


Respectfully Submitted,


Gale Smith, District 1 Rep


Approved July 11, 2001