Los Trancos Woods Community Association
Board Meeting Minutes
The meeting was held at Marguerite Thayer's home, 21 Old Spanish Trail. The meeting was called to order at 7:05PM by Michael Glenn (temporary chair). In attendance were Marguerite Thayer, Julie Duncan, Peri Nielsen, Gale Smith, Michael Glenn, & Toni Markley. Agenda: Finish revisions of the Los Trancos Community Association Articles of Association (Last revised 1980). Start planning the Annual Meeting in September. Revisions: Michael read written comments from Marguerite Thayer and Rebecca Reynolds. Almost all of Marguerite's comments were addressed at the May 29th meeting and incorporated in the draft Linda wrote based on that meeting. Rebecca's comments were in response to the draft, particularly Section IV. F. and who among the membership can vote on issues. Section IV. F. - After some discussion, it was decided that while there are 15 seats on the Board, only one vote can come from each District even if both the Rep & alternate are present at a meeting. This would make a total of eleven possible Board votes. Section V. C. - After much discussion, it was decided that to preserve the rights of property owners, this section will read "Each member in the Association shall have one vote except in matters effecting property rights. In which case, tenants will be excluded. Such votes shall proceed in a manner to be determined by the Board." Action: It was decided that the revised Articles of Association and the Ballot will be posted on our website so members can review them prior to the Annual Meeting. It was further decided that the ballot can be returned by FAX, email, given to the district reps, or cast at the Annual Meeting. Ballot: Michael said he is not aware of a list of persons expressing interest in being candidates for open Board positions. However, Rebecca stated in her written comments that she would like to be on the Re-Zoning Committee. Peri stated she would be willing to be Rep-at-Large and also serve as Secretary. Annual Meeting: Carol said the Vista Verde Association will be having their Annual Meeting in late August and we are all invited. There was some discussion about having our business meeting at that same meeting. It was finally decided that,due to the difficulty of combining business and partying, we would have our own Annual Meeting. September 16, 2001 was selected as the date. Michael Glenn volunteered his home for this meeting. The business portion of this meeting was adjourned about 8:30PM. The next meeting will be August 8, 2001 at the Thayer's. We will finish planning the Annual Meeting, finalize the ballot, and work out the nuts & bolts of getting the Articles and ballot on the website. Shortly after the meeting started, Stan Gage called and wanted to join our meeting to discuss items of controversy. At about 8:30PM the floor was given to Stan. He offered his explanation of the upcoming water rate increases. He also explained that when Blue Oaks has 32 homes built, their service fee will be $50/month. This will pay off the interest free loan of about $600,000 given to the Water Dist. by Blue Oaks developers for the purpose of upgrading our system. His primary agenda, however, was to discuss the Water Board's position on the perseved increase in water usage if/when sewers come to the Woods. Stan stated the Water Board is assuming that as many as 90 new homes could be built in the Woods if sewers are installed. He said that if that is the case, we don't have enough water to serve that many new homes. He said he is proposing that the sewer annexation district allow hook-ups only to exiting developed properties. Julie stated that her research showed that due to existing geotechnical and other constraints, only about 40 new homes could be built as a result of sewers. There was much questioning and discussion of Stan's proposal. The meeting broke up about 9:15PM. Respectfully Submitted,