Los Trancos Woods Community Association

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board

January 2, 2002, 7:00 p.m.



Attendees:    Nelson Dake, Julie Duncan, Michael Glenn, Christine Hunner, Peri Nielsen, Rebecca Reynolds, Gale Smith, Marguerite Thayer, Tom Thayer, and Carol Wagner. Gale Smith led the meeting.


Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes:    The Board approved the minutes from the last Board meeting. The Board decided that, on a going forward basis, the Secretary would provide a draft of meeting minutes to the Board for approval prior to the next Board meeting. Board members will have one week to comment on the minutes’ accuracy. If no member comments or all comments received are “non-controversial,” then the Secretary is authorized to consider the minutes approved and forward them to the LTWCA web site for posting. In cases where a controversy arises, the Secretary will postpone approval and posting until the matter can be discussed at the next Board meeting.


Treasurer’s Report:           Julie Duncan, the LTWCA Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s Report.


Goals for 2002:      Tom Thayer suggested that the Board agree upon a mission and set of goals during the year 2002 and highlighted the topics of Emergency Preparedness, Re-Zoning, Directory and Communication. The Board discussed and agreed that it was their intent to focus on these topics during the year. In particular, the Board agreed as follows:


·      For Emergency Preparedness, the Board’s intent is to receive reports from Carol Wagner on the state of LTW’s emergency preparedness and to provide Carol with the appropriate support so she can continue improving the state of the community’s emergency preparedness. Carol stated that her main interest in 2002 was in obtaining medical supplies for the community’s container.


·      For Re-Zoning, the Board’s intent is to receive reports from Armin Staprans concerning the efforts made by the Zoning Committee to elicit the existence and nature of community interest in rezoning and then to take any action based on the recommendation of the Zoning Committee.


·      For the Directory, the Board’s intent is to receive updates regarding members of the community’s contact and other information and then to republish the Directory in September 2002.


·      For Communication, the Board agreed that the bimonthly Newsletter and the LTWCA web site appear adequate to communicate with LTW regarding the actions of the LTWCA and events of interests to the community at large.


The Board also discussed and agreed that it would make an effort to keep apprised and discuss other topics of community interest, including the County’s proposed “Creek Overlay” and the actions of the Los Trancos County Water District. Towards this end, it was noted that the Zoning Committee would be considering “Creek Overlay” in its meetings. Tom Thayer agreed to contact the Water District to obtain updates about its activities and resolutions. Thanks, Tom!


LTWCA Dues:          Gale Smith read a letter from Linda Drey-Nightingale who proposed that $30 be collected in the upcoming District Representatives’ door-to-door collection effort, with $10 designated for dues and $20, for emergency preparedness, and that this amount cover two years, instead of one. The Board deliberated and agreed to revise its prior resolution such that the collection would be $20 for two years with $10 designated for dues and $10, for emergency preparedness. The Board agreed that it would consider distributing amounts collected for dues to emergency preparedness, should circumstances warrant it. Gale Smith requested that the District Representatives complete their dues collection efforts by the March LTWCA meeting.


LTW Directory:      Gale Smith agreed to maintain the database of LTW community members. Michael Glenn reiterated his offer to provide copying services for the Directory. Thanks, Gale and Michael!

The next LTWCA meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on February 6, 2002 at 21 Old Spanish Trail.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted, Peri Nielsen, LTWCA Secretary.