Minutes for the LTWCA Board Meeting

6 February 2002, 7:00 p.m.


The meeting was called to order at 7:12 p.m.


Present were: Jan Avilla, Linda Drey-Nightingale, Julie Duncan, Michael Glenn, David Lowin, Rebecca Reynolds, Jan Simpson, Gale Smith, Armin Staprans, Marguerite Thayer, and Carol Wagner.


Minutes from the 2 January 2002 Meeting were approved.


Treasurer’s Report: $368.69 was previously in the checking account. Rebecca, District IV, turned in $337 from dues and Emergency Fund collection. Annaloy Nickum will be deleted from the checking account and Gale Smith will be added as a second name with Julie Duncan as the first name.


Dues Collection: The house-to-house money collection and review of emergency information is proceeding as follows:

District I - about 1/3 collected and contacted

District II - about 1/2 collected and contacted

District III - about 1/4 collected and contacted

District IV - about 2/3 collected and contacted

All Districts feel they can be done with the contact and collection by the March meeting.


Water Board Minutes: The minutes were not discussed since we did not have a copy of them.


Los Trancos Rd. Improvements: Jay Wilson’s letter to the City of Palo Alto about making road improvements in the Palo Alto section was discussed. Historically there has been on and off maintenance of this section by the City of Palo Alto. Gale Smith, in the name of the LTWCA Board, will write a letter to the City of Palo Alto also expressing concern over the state of the road and encouraging Palo Alto to make the promised improvements. Gale will also send copies to Joe Simitian and the Town of Portola Valley since they will have an interest for the Blue Oaks Development. Armin Staprans will get a letter to the Los Trancos Rd. Palo Alto residents to alert them of the situation.


Zoning Committee: There was a 15 January meeting with 3 people in attendance. They discussed the watershed overlay from San Mateo County. The next meeting will be on 12 February. Armin is hoping for better attendance by those who signed up for the Committee.


Jean Rasch’s Petition: Jean Rasch submitted her zoning petition and a letter to San Mateo County on 17 January along with the signatures she had gotten up until then. Armin handed out a copy of Jean’s letter to Richard Gordon. The Board discussed a course of action and settled on Armin’s recommendation. Armin will write a letter to the County alerting them to the actions that the Zoning Committee are taking. As Chairman of the Zoning Committee, Armin will represent LTWCA for the Board. Our thanks go to Armin for taking this on.

Emergency Preparedness: Carol Wagner brought in more Emergency Preparedness Packets and Flags for the District Representatives to use on their house-to-house visits. The two new First Aid Bags will be inventoried and then kept at Michael Glenn’s and David Lowin’s houses. Thank you, Michael and David for purchasing them. When a third Bag comes in, it will go to Gale Smith’s house. Eventually Carol will put together a newcomers packet which will include emergency info., phone directory, etc. The District Reps. can then hand them out as needed and go over emergency preparedness, collect dues and emergency funds all at the same time. Carol recommends getting Motorola 2-way radios. Woodside Fire District will be sponsoring a drill on 27 April in the neighborhoods. (Update - WFD will now be doing a drill in the fall. On the 27th there will be a training instead.) This will be the time to test out our system. To listen to the radio communication for the Fire Department you can log on to Firedispatch.com on your computer.


Newsletter: Julie Duncan for sewer info. and Armin Staprans for zoning info. will be submitting short articles to Linda Drey-Nightingale for the next newsletter. Sudden Oak Death Syndrome info. and emergency info. about meals will also be included.


Next Meeting: 6 Mar. 2002, 7:00 p.m. at the Thayer’s residence.


Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


Respectfully submitted by Linda Drey-Nightingale