Los Trancos Woods Community Association

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board

July 22, 2002, 7:00 p.m.



Attendees:    Jan Avilla, Linda Drey-Nightingale, Julie Duncan, Michael Glenn, Dave Lowin, Nancy Neuer, Peri Nielsen, Curt Parkin, Jean Rasch, Rebecca Reynolds, Armin Staprans, Jan Simpson, Gale Smith, Marguerite and Louie Thayer, Carol Wagner. Jan Avilla led the meeting.


Treasurer’s Report:           Julie Duncan, the LTWCA Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s Report.


Emergency Preparedness: Carol Wagner informed the Board that Vista Verde would make a matching contribution for the emergency container. She also reported that LTW would be engaging in an “earthquake drill” on October 26, 2002 to test the community’s emergency preparedness. A few days in advance of the drill, LTW residents can expect to hear tests of radio communications and receive phone calls from their leaders on the phone tree to alert them about the upcoming drill. Carol is also soliciting volunteers from each District to participate in the drill. Volunteers would post red or green notices on their homes, create mock medical emergencies, etc. Michael Glenn volunteered to help plan this drill. Thanks, Carol and Michael!


Other Business:


Gale Smith asked whether or not the Board wanted e-mail addresses included in the Directory. The Board voted in favor of including e-mail addresses for those residents who so desired. Notice to the community (via e-mail, newsletter, and possibly the LTW web site) will be given, asking residents for one e-mail address per household for inclusion in the Directory. Those residents requesting inclusion will be asked to provide their e-mail addresses by August 15, 2002.


            Linda Drey-Nightingale requested items for the upcoming LTW newsletter. Any items should be received by July 28, 2002.


            Dave Lowin reported for Alex Kostrikin regarding an observed increase in speeders driving up and down Ramona Road. The Board agreed it was in the best interest of the community to communicate this concern to Vista Verde, as well.


            Dave also informed the Board that he intends to form a group of residents interested in obtaining high-speed Internet access. A discussion ensued regarding the feasibility of different forms of Internet access in LTW.


            Michael Glenn reported an increasing incidence of persons abandoning pets in LTW. He cautioned people to be aware of this problem and, in particular, any pets roaming around without tags.


            Carol Wagner mentioned she observed on several occasions an unidentified person driving a new red Mustang slowly around the neighborhood. In light of our recent troubles with mail theft, she cautioned people to be on the lookout for strangers, especially those mulling around mailboxes.


            Armin Staprans informed the Board that San Mateo County had scheduled another meeting for unincorporated associations. Julie Duncan volunteered to attend and raise LTW issues and concerns, such as progress on sewers, road paving, and the riparian corridor. Thanks, Julie!


Annual Picnic: The date for the picnic is now changed from September 22, 2002 to September 29, 2002. The picnic will be held at Nelson Dake’s house at 1074 Los Trancos Road and will have a Greek theme. Guests are encouraged to bring Greek potluck dishes. Discussion ensued regarding possible speakers. The Board agreed that efforts would be made to get speakers on topics such as “living with wildlife” and maintaining tree health. The Board also agreed on a budget for the picnic. Attached to these minutes is a list of items and the people who promised to bring them to the picnic.


Presidential Opportunity: The Board agreed it would continue to rotate the Presidential position among the various District representatives. Michael, as a representative-at-large, also agreed to take a turn. To the extent required, the Secretary of the LTWCA will serve as a liaison with the County and receive County information to transmit to the Board.


Zoning Committee Meeting Update: Armin Staprans distributed copies of the preliminary proposal agreed upon by members of the Zoning Committee. The Board commended the Committee on its hard work, gave comments, and suggested alternative dates for community meetings. Copies of the proposal will be distributed to parcel owners in the near future.


The next LTWCA meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on October 2, 2002 at 21 Old Spanish Trail.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.


Respectfully submitted, Peri Nielsen, LTWCA Secretary.


Sign Up for Picnic


Tables:          Armin – 1

                        M. Thayer – 2 + 4 benches (if someone can transport)

Chairs:          Armin – 4

                        Linda – 4

                        Jan A. – 4

Ice Tubs:       Armin – 2

Ice:                 Armin

Beer:              Rebecca

Soda:              Rebecca

Water:           Rebecca

Napkins:       Peri

                        M. Thayer

Name Tags and Markers:            Carol

Recycle Bins:           Linda

Extra Plates:           Gale

                        M. Thayer

Extra Silverware: Jean

Wine:             Dave

2 Trash Cans:         Jan S. – 1