Los Trancos Woods Community Association
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board
October 2, 2002, 7:00 p.m.
Attendees: Linda Drey-Nightingale, Julie Duncan, Dave Lowin, Peri Nielsen, Jan Simpson, Marguerite Thayer, Carol Wagner. Linda led the meeting.
Public Comment: Jan congratulated everyone on a successful LTW picnic.
Treasurer’s Report: Julie Duncan, the LTWCA Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s Report.
Newsletter Articles: Linda solicited ideas for the upcoming LTWCA newsletter. The zoning committee will report on the date for the next community-wide Zoning Discussion. It was decided to add a new column for “Lost & Found.” Carol requested inclusion of several items pertaining to emergency preparedness, including a schedule of upcoming classes. Carol also wanted to alert everyone to the dangers of having ivy wrapped around their trees. The newsletter will also extend everyone’s thanks to Nelson Dake for hosting the LTW picnic.
Picnic Recap: Everyone agreed that the LTW picnic was terrific. Linda reported that Rebecca Reynolds intends to draw up a list of recommendations for future picnics, including what kinds of beverages we should have on hand. Carol will turn in the expense for the Wild Life Rescue speakers. The Board agreed that future picnics should continue to be non-business and non-political. The Board also voted to offer to reimburse Nelson for the expense of the meat and the ice.
Directory Handout: The Board decided that a notice would be printed in the newsletter directing LTW members who were unable to attend the picnic to pick up their copies of the Directory from their respective District Representatives. The Board will leave it up to the discretion of the District Representatives what, if any, additional action should be taken to deliver the Directory to community members.
Zoning Committee: Armin was unable to attend this meeting, so the update on zoning was postponed. The next community-wide Zoning Discussion will be held on October 27, 2002 at 6:00 p.m. at Michael Glenn’s house at 115 Lake Road.
Emergency Preparedness: Carol reminded everyone about the mock emergency preparedness drill scheduled to take place on October 26, 2002. She asked that District Representatives ensure that at least one of the two phone tree leaders will be available that day to participate in the drill. The day of the drill, community members will be asked to hang out their red/green flags and to participate in mock emergencies. Carol will be providing additional information, as well as instructions, as we get closer to the date.
Carol also informed the Board that a First Response class is scheduled at the Woodside Fire Department for December 17, 2002. It is a 44 hour commitment but very useful for anyone interested in obtaining this type of training.
Dave informed the Board that, in the last test of the phone tree, certain of his District members objected to the use of the phone tree to disseminate zoning meeting information. Carol indicated that the previous test was primarily intended to make sure the phone tree worked and dissemination of zoning meeting information was a one-time event.
Linda noted that she felt the phone tree might impose too much of a burden on one phone tree leader if the other phone leader was not at home to make calls. Carol recommended, in those instances, that the phone tree leader simply jump to the first person on the second tier of the list and request his/her assistance in making calls.
The next LTWCA meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on November 6, 2002 at 21 Old Spanish Trail.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Peri Nielsen, LTWCA Secretary.