Los Trancos Woods Community Association

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board

July 9, 2003, 7:00 p.m.


Attendees:    Jan Avilla, Nelson Dake, Linda Drey-Nightingale, Julie Duncan, David Lowin, Rebecca Reynolds, David Smernoff

Treasurer's Report: Julie Duncan, the LTWCA Treasurer, gave the Treasurer's report.

Organizing the Picnic: The Annual Picnic will be held on Sunday, September 21, at Joan and Nelson Dake's house, 1074 Los Trancos Road.  It was decided that the picnic would begin at 3:30 p.m.; we would arrange to have a speaker at 4:00; and dinner would begin about 5:00.   Linda is in contact with someone from McClanahan's who could speak to the community about tree care, and it was decided that she should try to arrange for this person to be our speaker.  The theme of the picnic will be Mediterranean food.  A budget of $200 was set for supplies.

It was suggested that we should start collecting dues for the next 2 year cycle (2004 and 2005) at the name tag table at the picnic, because it is easy and convenient for many people to pay then.  After some discussion, $30 was proposed as the amount for the next 2 year period.   A careful record will be kept of who pays at the picnic.

Job sign-ups were requested and made as follows (some absentees were volunteered by people present):

            Picnic Announcement:    Linda
            House and Roast Lamb:    Nelson
            Set up assistance for the Dakes:    Jan and Julie
            Tables and Chairs:    Armin
            2 Ice Tubs:    Armin
            Ice:    Peri
            Soda, Beer, Wine:    Rebecca
            Water:    Nelson
            Napkins, Extra Plates, Extra Utensils:     David S.
            Name Tags and Markers:    David S.
            White Board for Roadside Reminder and at Picnic for Agenda, etc.: Gail
            Children's Games:    David L.
            Emergency Information Table:    Jamie and Linda
            Name Tag and Dues Table:    David S.  (information sheets supplied by Linda)

Thanking Carol:  The Board felt that something should be done to recognize Carol Wagner for all the time, energy and support (both organizational and monetary) she has given toward setting up an Emergency Preparedness system in the Woods.   Some plans were made and Jan and Linda will work on carrying them out for the picnic.  

Board Positions:  Although several people had wished to turn over their positions to new energy, it has been difficult to find replacements, and some have agreed to remain as reps for another year.  Unless new volunteers step forward before September, the new Board that will be presented for confirmation at the picnic will be as follows:

            Treasurer:    Julie Duncan
            Secretary:    Peri Nielsen
            District I Rep:    Gail Smith
            District II Reps:    Nelson Dake and Ann Beckwith
            District III Rep:    Jan Avilla
            District IV Reps:    Linda Drey-Nightingale and Rebecca Reynolds
            Members at Large:    Michael Glenn, David Lowin, Marguerite Thayer  

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  Linda solicited items for the next newsletter, which she will put out in about 2 weeks.  Nelson felt that something should be mentioned, and done, about the signage on the low end of Los Trancos Circle.  To strangers in the Woods it may appear that the one-way sign is indicating the downhill portion of Los Trancos Road rather than the bottom of the circle loop, and he knows it has contributed to at least one accident.  Other item suggestions were about cutting brush and high fire danger, cutting ivy from trees for their health, and Jamie's animal emergency care "class."

Julie brought up the matter of Vista Verde's request for a contribution of $50 from LTWCA toward their picnic.  It was decided that we will send them the contribution.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

The next Board Meeting will be September 10, 2003, at 21 Old Spanish Trail at 7:00 p.m. chaired by District III.

Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Reynolds, District IV Alternate Representative.