Los Trancos Woods Community Association

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board

January 14, 2004, 7:00 p.m.



Attendees:    Jan Avilla, Nelson Dake, Julie Duncan, Peri Nielsen, Curt Parkin, Rebecca Reynolds, Dave Smernoff, Gale Smith, and Marguerite Thayer. Guest attendees: Charlie Krenz, member of the LTW Water District Board, and Mike Ward, President of the Vista Verde Community Association. Gale led the meeting.


Public Comment: None.


Disposition of Water District Property:           Charlie Krenz, a member of the Water Board, was invited to speak to the LTWCA Board concerning what, if any, discussions the Water Board has had concerning the disposition of its property once the sale to Cal Water takes place.


Charlie told us that the Water Board has been advised to focus first on the sale of all the Water District-related assets. After this sale has been completed, the Water Board will turn to the subject of the land to which it holds title. Some of the items open for discussion will be what to do with the property taxes the Water Board receives (approximately $140,000 per year), as well as whether the Water Board will continue to exist as an entity to administer the DistrictÕs property. Discussion ensued about options for use of the land, including leaving it as is, selling it, or turning it into a park or similar communal area.


Charlie and Curt both assured the Board that regardless of the outcome the decision will be subject to public comment and that the Water Board had no intention of making this decision without public input. Charlie also promised to advise the Board when the Water Board includes this topic on its agenda. Suggestion was made that the Water Board create a sub-committee specifically for the purpose of evaluating options for the DistrictÕs land. Charlie and Mike agreed that such a sub-committee might make sense.


The Board thanked Charlie, Curt and Mike for coming and expressed hope that this would begin a process of open dialogue and discussion between us concerning this and other topics of general community importance.


Follow-Up to November 2003 Water Board Meeting Issues: Thanks to GaleÕs efforts, we are now getting Water Board agendas electronically. These agendas will be distributed to the Board and posted on the LTWCA website (www.lostrancoswoods.org). The Board agreed that this is a positive development and looks forward to improved Water Board communications and accessibility going forward. Thanks, Gale!


TreasurerÕs Report:           Julie Duncan, the LTWCA Treasurer, gave the TreasurerÕs Report. The Board reviewed the spreadsheet generated by Linda showing the LTWCAÕs budget for the next two years. The Board determined that LindaÕs calculations regarding the cost of the web site were not correct and that, with correction, the LTWCA is within budget (assuming 100% of dues are collected). The Board agreed that it was worthwhile to create an annual budget to keep track of its expenditures.


Dues Collection:     The District reported on dues collection, which is approximately 70%. Dave offered to put up a white board (like Vista VerdeÕs) to increase dues collection. Thanks, Dave!


LTWCA Website/Forum: The Board agreed that, since it was not over budget, the Forum on LTWCA web site (www.lostrancoswoods.org) should be continued for at least another six months. The Board also agreed that efforts should be made to encourage its use, particularly for recent topics such as lost cats and coyote sightings. The Newsletter should also encourage people to discuss topics of interest on the Forum.


Emergency Preparedness Drill:            Dave reported on the Fall Emergency Drill and said there would be another Drill in the spring. He also said he and Jamie would compile a budget similar to LindaÕs for Emergency Preparedness and would also list of the contents of the emergency containers for the next meeting.


Traffic Safety: Peri raised the issue of appropriate signage on Los Trancos Road at the intersections of LTR-LTC and LTR-Ramona to indicate that it is a two-way street. She said she would investigate who the right people at the Count y were to address this problem and draft a letter to the County concerning the need for better signage. The Board agreed this was a topic that should be pursued. In addition, the Newsletter should remind residents to be cautious about driving and drive slowly on hills, particularly on the lower Circle.


Directory: ItÕs that time again! Gale said she would look into whether or not we can combine our Directory with Vista VerdeÕs this year.


The next LTWCA meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on March 10, 2004 at 21 Old Spanish Trail.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


Respectfully submitted, Peri Nielsen, LTWCA Secretary.