LTWCA BOD Meeting Notes 6/16/04




Linda Drey-Nightingale

Nelson Dake

Jan Avilla

David Lowin

Jamie Sovereign


Meeting called to order on June 16, 2004 at 7:15 pm by Linda



Additions to Agenda/Public Comment:

- Per Linda, Jerry Jensen recommends canceling our existing web hosting contract and moving the LTWCA web site to Jerry's server, where he will host it for free. Jerry also recommends dropping the forum as it is rarely accessed. This was approved by BOD vote.


Phone Trees:

- Districts 2 & 4 received. District 1 & 3 reps, please get updates to Linda ASAP.


Emergency Forms:

- Animal info. has been dropped from Emergency Survey Forms as the info. is too difficult to keep up to date. Jamie will give Jan copy of the old blank forms. The Emergency Preparedness team is working on an updated form.


Changes to Directory for Update:

- Updates are due to Gail Smith by the end of July.

- Linda will e-mail the updates she has accumulated from newsletters.

- Jan will provide library phone number to Gail.

- Emergency Prep. Team will review front page, provide new map to safe haven, and provide 1-2 additional pages of emergency prep. information (last item approved by BOD vote).


Emergency Preparedness Report:

- See See Attachment A for report from David Smernoff on May 2004 Emergency Drill.

- Emergency Prep. Team recommends that we participate in only one drill per year as we think we will get better participation and a better quality drill.

- Jamie will advise CERPP of the recommendation.


Sewer Group Report:

- per David L., the project is currently stalled on the issue of county support of funding.


Water Board Report:

- David L. has learned from Alex Kostrikin that the Water Board is proceeding with the sale of certain assets to Cal Water. These assets include the distribution and storage systems but supposedly not land. The sale also involves the transfer of water allocation management.

- David S. had expresses concern with this activity in posting to the community e-mail group. David L. will meet with David S. to discuss these concerns.


Marguerite Thayer postion and gift:

- The BOD voted on the creation of an Honorary Lifetime BOD Membership for Marguerite and agreed to hold the community picnic in her honor this year.

- Linda will be asking for contributions of photos, which will be assembled into a framed collection to be presented to Marguerite at the picnic. Individuals will be asked to present Marguerite with a flower from a "memory boquet" and share a personal story.


Cell Phone Recycling:

- Linda prepared a box & sign, placed a the intersection of Ramona & Los Trancos Road to collect cell phones to be donated for refurbishment or disposed of safely.

- The BOD agreed to present this as a LTWCA BOD-sponsored community service project.

- Linda proposed, and the BOD agreed, to two such BOD-sponsored projects per year.

- Jan & Jamie volunteered to head up the next project: household battery collection and appropriate recycling/disposal. David L. will contact Greenwaste for disposal recommendations.


Update on Road Signs:

- Many thanks to Peri, whose efforts led to the recent installation of additional signs, as well as dots & a large white arrow at the intersection lower of LTC & LTR.

- Linda expressed some concern about the confusing accumulation of new & old signs at this same intersection and talk to Peri about her recommendation to simplify the signage there.


Other BOD Activities:

- We need to recruit additional BOD Members-at-Large. David L. will talk to Keith (lower Ramona) and Jamie will talk to Vickie & Julian (Los Trancos Road).

- The picnic-planning meeting is planned for July 21 at Nelson's house.


Respectfully submitted,


Jamie Sovereign



Attachment A May 2004 Emergency Preparedness Drill Report


From: David Smernoff <>

Date: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:29:05 PM US/Pacific


Subject: Drill update


Jamie -


Here's the brief update you asked for.


May 2004 Earthquake Drill -


Planning lessons:

-  One drill per year

-  Recruit 4-5 EOC team leaders for each drill

-  Develop "job descriptions" for EOC positions and post at EOC



Specific lessons:

-  On the fly delegation of tasks is hard during a drill/real event.

-  Confusion among district leaders and residents about radio channel designations

-  We should include channels on district phone trees and refresher course in next newsletter.

-  Personnel dispatched to victims home unsure of what to do after stabilizing victim and reporting back, need instructions in kits sent out with response teams (update, create?).

-  Radio communication with Vista Verde is OK, but connection to Pony Trax is not good from EOC, may need GMRS radios and/or ham channel to ensure proper communication

-  Need additional resources at EOC

-  List of phone numbers for Gas, Elec, Water, Animal control, SMCo Sheriff, Life Flight, etc

-  Incident command system supplies (better sheets for recording incidents, etc.)

-  Clock

-  Establish a grid system for map of LTW/VV for easier ID of incident locations, better communication.

-  Lists of participants (if avail.)

-  Update lists of medical personnel (mostly done), resources (tools, eqpt. vehicles, animal control, etc

-  Develop an MSEL (Master Scenario Event List) to specify how drill elements will unfold

-  Need focused discussion of drill lessons learned immediately after drill ends

-  Need a clear and concise instruction sheet for district leaders/residents so everyone knows what to do in their area and how to report it back. What to do after securing a district, where to go, etc.



David Smernoff

112 Foxwood Road

Portola Valley, CA 94028-8113


650-851-9293 fax