8 September 2004 Los Trancos Woods Board Meeting - Draft
Attendees: Nelson Dake, Linda Drey-Nightingale, Michael Glenn, Gale Smith
Called to order: 7:07
Honoring Marguerite:
1) Michael shared the draft of the Lifetime Board Member certificate. He will take care of the final details and drop it off at Gale SmithÕs house. If you are not going to be at the picnic, please stop by GaleÕs house and sign the certificate. Thank you, Michael, it looks great!
2) Gloria Rosenthal is working on the photo collage. Linda and Michael will get Gloria the final two photos of the house and Marguerite with community members. Michael will bring a camera to the picnic.
3) Gale will present Marguerite the certificate. Michael will present the flowers. Jan will purchase the flowers. Linda will present the photo collage. Rebecca will be solicited to emcee. (Follow-up: Rebecca is attending the picnic and has agreed to be in charge of the agenda for the afternoon.)
1) Jan will call ahead of time and remind the Board Members what they are to bring or do.
2) Nelson and Joan will provide red meat (which they already have) and chicken for $100 total.
3) Nelson will be in charge of getting the eating started.
1) Gale has all the information printed out and proofed for the Directory. The front cover has been designed. Great job, Gale!!
2) Dave Smernoff will get Gale the final on the emergency preparedness pages to be added to the Directory. Linda and Jamie are now editing the draft.
3) Gale and Linda will go to Michael GlennÕs office on the morning of 21 Sept. to make all the copies. Anyone else is WELCOME to come and help, the more the merrier (actually the quicker it goes).
Meeting adjourned: 7:59
(PUT ON YOUR CALENDAR NOW - next meeting 10 Nov. presided over by Reps-at-large)
Respectfully submitted by Linda Drey-Nightingale