1/11/11 meeting of the Los Trancos Woods Community Association Board 7:00pm.


Board Members present:  Autumn Stanley, Julie Duncan, Steve Friedman, Tom Thayer and Jan Avilla.  Linda Drey Nightingale joined us tonight to aid in crafting articles of association.


Old business:  Steve reported on contacts made concerning emergency preparedness, Tom and Jan had no new information to share.  Autumn informed us that a second version of the new notice board across from the corner at Los Trancos and Bonita.  This version was put in place by Autumn Stanley and Allan Russell at no charge to the community.


Treasure's report was read by Julie Duncan.


New business:


Discussion on Secretarial duties and who would take and post minutes.  It was decided to rotate the position each month with the meeting host.  Minutes would be sent to members for additions and corrections before being distributed.


Tom introduced a discussion on posting minutes of our meets to the community.  We will place the minutes at the three community bulletin boards, as well as the LTWCA web site.  Notification of new minutes will be sent to the Yahoo distribution group via email.


Scheduled meeting notification/reminder will be sent to board members and the community by Julie a week before our second Tuesday of each month meeting.


Steve will host the next meeting at 144 Carmel Way, starting at 7:00 PM on February 8


The remainder of the meeting was spent reviewing and revising the articles of association.  It was discussed and decided that the draft would be included in the next Wood's news letter and an open, community meeting would be held on 2/8/11 at Steve's to present and discuss the draft in order to receive feedback before putting the articles to a vote for adoption.  Our goal is to have the articles ready for a vote March 8.


Meeting adjourned around 9:20pm

