WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2013    7:00  p.m.


Attendees:  Autumn Stanley, Jan Avilla, Tom Thayer and Julie Duncan.  Tom led the meeting.


Public Comment:  None


Treasurers Repot:  Julie gave the Treasurers Report XXXXX.  Thanks to our residents, area reps and board members for their continued support.  


Emergency Preparedness Report:  None


Old Business: 

Roads.  Awaiting a full report from the concerned citizens committee Save Alpine & Ramona Roads (SARR) following their on site meeting(s) with the County of San Mateo Dept. of Public Works (DPW) Autumn and Tom did understand that repairs to both roads would be made in the spring.  At this time no cracks or signs of movement are present and rip rock wall repairs have been suggested.  Debate continues as solution(s) are discussed.    


New Business: 

Bicycle and tool thefts.  Unpleasant to learn of the recent rash of burglaries at 3 homes.  Alerting the community, contacting authorities and insurance companies was the proper procedure for those affected to follow.  The Board suggested a reminder to take note of strangers in our midst be included in the next LTWCA Newsletter.


New board members.   With the number of caring residents, many recent retirees with a bit more spare time, contacting neighbors to enhance the number of residents serving as area reps and members of our board here in the Woods was discussed.  All present agreed and will actively encourage additional members.


Frequency of Meetings.  Due to our hectic schedules, the numerous community issues now resolved or addressed by newly formed resident friendly committees it was unanimously suggested and approved that we meet quarterly in the future.  Going forward, our 2013 meeting dates will be @ 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of April, August and December.  Julie was asked to e-mail a  reminder to board members 3 weeks prior to each meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,   Julie Duncan