LTWCA Newsletter -October/November 2005


Emergency Preparedness in the New

The United States has probably never paid as much attention to emergency preparedness as it has over the past month.  It was not just that Hurricane Katrina was bigger and more destructive. The real shock was seeing such grave deficiencies in the preparedness and response efforts for a major city, at every level of authority, for an event that has been expected for years.  We in LTW should pay special notice to the way authorities failed to implement evacuation plans and to respond to the needs of citizens stranded in the city after the storm passed.


We know that a major earthquake could happen anytime, and that our lengthy dry season also makes us vulnerable to wildfires.  Living where we do, several miles from a major population center, connected by a single narrow road, we should each pay special attention to our personal and community preparedness and response plans.


The neighborhood picnic on September 18th brought these issues into dramatic focus.  Capt. Webb of the Woodside Fire Department discussed preparedness and responded to questions with insight and candor.  (And our follow-up questions kept coming until it was almost too late to put the meat on the grill!)  Two key points emerged:  First, we cannot expect official first-responders to be available in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.  Second, community response will likely to be the most effective and most organized way to deal with an emergency.


The attachment to the newsletter is designed to help LTW residents to prepare for the two most likely scenarios we face, wildfire and earthquake.  The first side discusses an emergency evacuation, in which you may be ordered to leave your home quickly without any knowledge of when, or even if, you could return.  The other side discusses how to prepare to remain in your house, without telephone, utilities, water, or help from the outside world, for days on end.  Please put this sheet with your emergency information packet. Do you know where it is?  This is the perfect time to look for it.


The LTW preparedness team continues to welcome volunteers, even if it only involves learning how to operate a ham radio or taking a Red Cross class.  Please contact Arthur Nielsen at 851-9152, Jamie Sovereign at 851-8287, or David Smernoff at 851-9202 if you can contribute in any way.  Finally, please be sure you have updated your household information survey with Jamie Sovereign. 


In other news the October drill will not be a neighborhood exercise this year.  Instead, it will focus on hands-on training for CERPP teams and neighborhood leaders and volunteers.  It will take place at a site to be determined on Saturday, October 15, from 9 a.m. to Noon. 

Submitted by Arthur Nielsen, Coordinator of the Emergency Preparedness Team.


Thanks For 40 years of Service, Jan and Gale!

District Representatives Gale Smith (District I) and Jan Avilla (District III) are retiring and getting a well deserved reprieve from Community Association duties that they did for a combined 40 YEARS!  How do we count the ways they helped out?!  From delivering Newsletters, announcements and emergency preparedness information to collecting dues to organizing the community picnic to attending years of meetings Jan and Gale were always there.  Jan lovingly coordinated gifts of appreciation from the Board.  Gale publishes our Directory, has a hand in our medical preparedness, and worked long hours in the effort to challenge the Blue Oaks development plans.  In addition both Gale and Jan work and raise children.  Next time you see them, say ÒTHANKS!Ó

Submitted by Linda Drey-Nightingale and Julie Duncan

Neighborhood Notes

-     The Los Trancos Woods Annual Picnic was a smashing success with over 90 people in attendance.  We all owe the owners, Armin & Lisa Staprans and Ian & Heida Earnest, a huge THANK YOU for getting the site ready and allowing us to Òsnoop aroundÓ that spectacular piece of property.  The Fire CaptainÕs talk was quite timely and we heard loud and clear - be prepared!

-      Prepare yourself with CPR Classes, 22 Oct. or 19 Nov., 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Woodside Fire Station, sign up with Gaylynne Mann at 851-1594

-      Dues are due.  If you have not yet paid your 2 year dues and emergency preparedness donation ($30 total), please send them to our outstanding treasurer, Julie Duncan, 111 Carmel.

-      Update on Blue Oaks BMR location - The BMR group has been unable to meet with the Blue Oaks HomeownersÕ Association a second time.  They are presently working on contacting the various Town Committees that would be involved with the issues of relocating to the Fire Road.

-      Water Board Elections are coming up in November.  You can read the CandidatesÕ statements on page 5 of the Sample Ballot & Official Election Information brochure which just came in the mail.  Keep in mind there are two new issues coming to this new Board - 1) managing water customer rebates, and 2)  use of Water District property.

-      District I & III can use a friendly Representative.  Can you help?  Call 851-1787 for details.


Next Meeting -  7:00 p.m., 9 Nov., 1074 Los Trancos Rd.   Agenda includes annual picnic, emergency preparedness, and Blue Oaks BMRÕs.  For minutes of the last meeting, please see the LTWCA Web Site or your District Rep.


Los Trancos Woods (LTWCA) Web Site

The web site address is:                    The group e-mail list is:          

Thanks to Jerry Jensen for maintaining this site        AND        Thanks to Alex Kostrikin for copying our newsletter.