LTWCA Newsletter - October/November 2002
BEWARE - An Earthquake is Coming on 26 October
As a community we will be put to the test from 9 - 11 a.m. During this Emergency Response Drill we will simulate what could happen in an earthquake. The drill is area wide and will include 24 other Districts besides us, Woodside Fire Protection District, the Towns of Woodside and P. V., and the S.M. County Office of Emergency Services.
In our District we will take to the streets and simulate damage assessment scenarios and practice communications. Each household at 9 a.m. should post in a visible area in front of their house either their red or green flag (you received the flags with your emergency information in a plastic pouch). Leaders will be checking every house and radioing in their results. More information will be coming soon on a flyer. Also read your latest CERPP newsletter which came on 4 Oct. LetŐs be ready for an ŇemergencyÓ!
Other emergency news - Thank you to everyone who participated in the phone tree drill. We used the zoning meeting to check out the system to see how well it worked and if our names and numbers were correct. For the most part it worked as planned.
Submitted by Carol Wagner
Preventing Mail Theft
To date there have been at least 4 people in the Woods that have had identity theft because of stolen mail. A locking mailbox proves to be an excellent deterrent. Bonita and El Rey residents now have well designed, new, locking mailboxes that you can check out. To order one call California Mailboxes at 1-714-771-0248. Ask for the standard model and tell them that you are with Marian MargetsonŐs group. This should get you the special price of $219 (reg. $299).
If you are a victim, here are some basics steps to follow. Immediately contact our SheriffŐs Office at 363-4680 and file a report. Notify the Postal Inspectors in San Francisco at 1-415-778-5800. For consumer information call the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-438-4338 or go online at
Submitted by Linda Drey-Nightingale and Marian Margetson
Ho-o-o-o Came to the LTW Annual Picnic?
Almost 60 people came plus a great horned owl, a kestrel, and a gopher snake, thatŐs ho-o-o! Nelson and Joan Dake were exceptional hosts providing not only their home, but also their sonŐs hard labor, an exquisite grilled lamb, ice, flowers, tables and chairs, and, as always, their great company. From the whole community we thank you, Joan and Nelson! Wildlife Rescue put on a wonderful presentation about the California native animals they brought and spoke eloquently about the dangers of household poisons to these animals. Poisoned wildlife are eaten and as the poison accumulates it kills these beautiful predators. Please be careful around your house.
Sewer News
In June an agreement was signed with the engineering firm of Wilsey Ham to begin the design and consulting work necessary to move the sewer project forward. They are presently working with West Bay Sanitary District, San Mateo Co., and the Town of P.V. The goal is to complete the design by spring of 2003.
Submitted by Marc Levaggi
Zoning Committee News
The Los Trancos Woods Zoning Committee has issued a draft zoning proposal for community review. Two public meetings have been held to provide a more complete explanation of zoning related topics, to answer your questions, and to get your feedback and ideas. A third meeting will be held at 6:00 P.M. on Sunday, October 27 at 115 Lake Road. Based upon community input at these meetings, the Committee will revise the proposal and poll the community to determine the level of support for a zoning change in the Woods. For questions and information, please call Armin Staprans at 851-7403.
Submitted by Armin Staprans
District III News
We applaud Torsten Nybo for his star qualities. He was born on 4 Aug. (6 lbs. 14 oz., 19Ó long) to much fanfare from the parents, Holly and Stig Nybo, both sets of grandparents, and an aunt who were all at the hospital. Their dedication will not be rivaled for quite a while, since they were all awakened at 1 a.m. to go to the hospital to await the delivery of Torsten. Congratulations to Holly and Stig, and welcome to the neighborhood, Torsten.
Lost and Found
A pair of reading glasses found near 21 Old Spanish Trail. Call 851-7322 to claim. This is a new column we are trying. Please call Linda, 851-1787, with any information for Dec/Jan newsletter.
Next Board Meeting - 6 Nov., 7:00 p.m., at 21 Old Spanish Trail. The zoning proposal will be discussed. For minutes of the last meeting, please see the LTWCA Web Site or your District Representative.
Los Trancos Woods (LTWCA) Web Site
The web site address is: The group e-mail list is:
Our thanks to Jerry Jensen for maintaining this site AND Thank you to Alex Kostrikin for copying our newsletter.