LTW/VV Newsletter - February/March 2009
We Will Miss a "Giant" in Our Community
As you may know, Jacques Littlefield passed away January 7th, 2009.
Jacques arrived to our neighborhood in the early 70's purchasing the Pony Tracks Ranch, the one-time country estate of a California governor. He developed diverse hobbies over the years. Jacques built a 7 1/2Ó gauge railroad and train club, built up perhaps the largest private military vehicle collection into a fine museum, and continually improved the Ranch buildings and lands, even adding a full-sized Fisk organ.
Jacques and his wife Sandy Montenegro Littlefield have been most generous to the community over the years. They provide space for our (LTW and VV) community Emergency Preparation backup command center container which houses food, water, beds, communications equipment and medical supplies; in addition, they provide a Safe Haven for us in an emergency in case evacuation is not possible down the hill. Jacques and Sandy have also opened up the Ranch for our annual community summer picnic and barbecue.
Jacques was a kind, generous, and knowledgeable man, a good friend to many, and great neighbor to all. He will be genuinely missed. JacquesÕ Memorial Service will be held on Monday, March 2, 2009 at 4 p.m. at Stanford Church on the Stanford Campus. A gift has been sent on behalf of the LTW and VV communities to the Military Vehicle Technology Foundation which was founded by Jacques in 1998.
Submitted by Mike Ward, Amanda Lee and Linda Drey-Nightingale
Water District News A LOT is happening!
Drought: Cal. Dept. of Water Resources says, "We may be at the start of the worst California drought in modern history.'' We are all going to have to do even more to conserve water. Take advantage of the LTWCA rebate program for any low water use appliances and fixtures that you have not yet changed out. See: for details or refer to the recent mailing sent to you.
Lands: Take a ride/walk to Lake Road. See the new fence and curb along the edge of the lake; visit the viewing area; watch the birds. The Red Shed is being gently landscaped. The underbrush and excess Eucalyptus are being removed to make it fire safe
Emergency Prep: Many residents have taken advantage of the incentives for developing defensible space by removing SOD killed trees, Eucalyptus trees, and changing out shake roofs.
Storm Water Runoff: We launched a study to assess the overall system in the community and highlight its weak points.
Civil Grand Jury Report: In January the county Grand Jury issued a finding and recommendation that your Water District dissolve. The board is seriously looking at this recommendation and investigating three options: A - dissolution, B - continue and improve community programs, C - transform to a different kind of district. We need your input and will do a community-wide survey over the next 4-6 weeks.
Call or write with your ideas to Mike Ward. Thanks, Charlie, for a great 2008!
Submitted by Mike Ward, President 2009, LTWCA
A Garden For All Seasons and Reasons
I wrote in the last Newsletter soliciting for interested families for the community children's garden. We officially have 5 families very interested and ready to go! We also have a professional gardener who can offer us some advice on planning. I would like to assemble a meeting at our house on 2/27 or 2/28 to discuss our next steps. Please RSVP to me at or call us at 530-2051.
Submitted by Lynne Alvarez
Road Safety Update
Over the last two months, the County's Department of Public Works has been moving signs, installing new signal and adding and/or repainting existing stripping. Their work has not been completed yet, but it will be finished by the end of the winter season. Regarding the situation on Ramona and Upper Alpine roads, Dew's engineer inspected the surface cracking near Born and Kirby's home and noted that there was no movement so far. We are now asking DPI to look at the erosion under the road rather than just its surface. We also asked about the new stimulus moneys and DPI told us that those moneys would be used for scheduled projects on Òthe books.Ó DPI was unable to look at Upper Alpine. So, at this point, we will need to try a new tactic with the county and/or the US Department of Transportation. If anyone has any ideas, please contact either Claudia ( or Amanda (
Submitted by Claudia Mazzetti, Road Task Force Chair
Emergency Preparedness - CERPP Neighbors Helping Neighbors
The Citizens Emergency Response and Preparedness Program is organized to prepare self-reliant neighborhood emergency response teams that will work in conjunction with public safety services in the event of a major disaster in Los Trancos Woods.
Many residents of Los Trancos Woods have already gone through or are now involved in CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Training). I would like to organize a meeting ASAP of past graduates and those currently interested in participating on local neighborhood teams in preparation for the upcoming CERPP Earthquake Exercise on Friday evening May 1st. Please contact me directly so that we can set a date that works for all. Steve Friedman 851-7407
The current CERT class will complete its 6 week long course and hold a full day of hands-on training and exercises on Saturday February 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Fire Station 7 in Woodside. Those interested in learning more about the program are encouraged to attend and may be recruited to volunteer as disaster victims for the exercise. Learn more at
Submitted by Steve Friedman. LTW Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Neighborhood Notes
- AP Scholar with Distinction, which is the highest rank, is granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken. Krista Nightingale was one of only two students for the whole of Woodside High School to achieve this! Way to go, Krista!
Submitted by Richard Thurlow
- Another stalwart soul has joined the ranks of dog poop pickup bag providers. Eiri Inenaga has adopted the container at the head of the trail system on Old Spanish Trail. Thank you, Eiri! Just a reminder that once the bags are ÒfilledÓ they can be deposited in your trash can. Leaving them on the road or trail is regarded as littering. Let us keep our trails and roads litter free.
- In order to submit information for the Newsletter contact Linda at 851-1787 or
Next Meeting - There is no meeting scheduled for LTW. Please see the LTW Web Site for past minutes.
Community Associations Web Sites
The web site addresses are: The group e-mail lists are: