LTWCA Newsletter - June/July 2003


Zoning Ballot Results

Our community produced a terrific response to the recent ballot about a zoning change. We thank everyone for their participation and comments. The voting results are as follows, with "YES" supporting and "NO" not supporting the proposed zoning change:

YES: 102 (70% of votes collected) (59% of 174 parcels)

NO: 32 (22% of votes collected) (18% of 174 parcels)

ABSTAIN: 12 (8% of votes collected) (7% of 174 parcels)

TOTAL: 146 (100% of votes collected) (84% of 174 parcels)

These results show the majority support a zoning change. This is needed to secure a commitment of County resources to institute a change. The ballots have been sent to the County for review, and we are awaiting their response indicating when they intend to start the zoning change process. We anticipate that the County will hold public meetings, and that it may be at least a year or two before a zoning change becomes effective.

Submitted by Armin Staprans


Water Board News

The Los Trancos Woods Water Board is under negotiations right now with Cal Water to transfer the operation of our water and delivery system to them. The target date for this transfer is the end of the year. The LTW Water Board will remain intact after that date to take care of various responsibilities around the Woods. The April/May rains delayed the work on laying the new water pipeline, but now that the soil is drying out the pipeline work will proceed.

Submitted by Curt Parkin


Emergency Preparedness News

Jamie and David can't thank Carol Wagner enough for building such a great Emergency Preparedness Program. We all owe her a GREAT BIG thank you for getting it all organized and passing it along in an easy to maintain way!


Please contact either Jamie Sovereign (, 851-8287) or David Smernoff(, 851-9202), if you've been helping Carol or have any ideas or concerns about the LTW program. We are here to maintain the program, assist with trainings, and work with you to ensure that we take care of each other in any emergency.


Upcoming Classes:

June 21                       First Aid         10 a.m. to 3 p.m.                   Woodside Fire Station

June 28                       Disaster Preparedness, Caring for Animals

                                                            8 a.m. to 6 p.m.                     PV MUR, 765 Portola Rd.

July 19                        CPR                10 a.m. to 4 p.m.                   Woodside Fire Station

To make your reservation or get more information call Gaylynne Mann at 851-1594 or visit

Submitted by David Smernoff and Jamie Sovereign



Sewer News

With the rainy April that we have had, work on survey and design of the sewer main has been pushed out a few weeks. Design work should still be complete by the end of Spring. In the meantime, LAFCo has extended the annexation timeline for the project. The expected hand over of the project to the County to coordinate the Assessment District will happen this summer.

Submitted by Marc Levaggi


District I News

Jackie Martin and Allan Giesen got a ValentineÕs Day, 14 Feb., surprise. The lovely ValentineÕs dinner which Allan had carefully planned was usurped by a trip to the hospital for the birth of Penelope Giesen at a healthy 7 lbs. 3 oz. At least the gorgeous flowers were enjoyed by all. Welcome to the Woods, Penelope!


A healthy, 7 lbs. 15 oz., baby boy, Justice King Hatfield Hanmer, was born to Daria King and James Hanmer on 7 April. The learning curve has been pretty steep for these two teachers, but they are handling it beautifully with the help of one thrilled grandmother who lives but a phone call away. Congratulations, Daria and James!


District II News

Joe Sabel and Jane Leibowitz have had some time to get adjusted to Snowden Bee Sabel who was born on 25 October at 7 lbs. 10 oz. Now they are juggling each of SnowdenÕs new stages that include being very active, climbing whatever she can, and finding little bits of who-knows-what to put in her mouth. Nice to have you in the Woods, Snowden!

Neighborhood Notes

- Mark your calendar for another fabulous Los Trancos Woods Mediterranean Picnic at the Dakes on 21 September!

- We are blessed with some honeybee hives in our neighborhood. Our trees and plants benefit greatly from this extra pollination help, and the bees keep down the yellow jacket populations. They occasionally swarm, which means that some of the bee hive will break away with a queen and look for a new location. That location may be your backyard. Do not panic or call an exterminator, since they can be moved if you do not want them. For information please call our local apiarists, Carol Kemper and Chris Tripoli at 529-9522

- Our local high school graduates are headed off to some exciting places. Congratulations and best of luck to all of you! Remember that our thoughts go with you as you leave us.

Adryan Caron - UC Santa Barbara, Richard Craven - SF State University, Joseph Koch - Cornell University, Thomas Mazawa - UC Santa Cruz, Chris Rowe - UCLA, Matt Saal - Boston University, and Adam Smith - Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

- A few residents have noticed that excessive water drainage is occurring this year. In some cases new springs have surfaced. In other cases old culverts are failing. San Mateo County Road Department has not repaired what appear to be public culverts beneath private properties. As a result some residents have paid for the repairs themselves. This all brings up several questions:

   1) Are many other residents also having trouble with excessive water drainage? 2) Is this a sign that our storm drain and culvert system is failing? 3) Should we band together and alert the County to a system wide problem if we are having multiple problems? 4) Are leaking water pipes the culprit at some locations? Please contact Linda Drey-Nightingale, 851-1787, if you are having problems and she will compile a list of residents who are interested in contacting each other.

If you have items for Neighborhood Notes , or any other ideas for an article for the Newsletter, please contact Linda Drey-Nightingale, 851-1787. The Newsletter is published every two months with the help of all the contributors and edited by Linda Drey-Nightingale.


Board Meetings - Note that LTWCA Board Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of odd numbered months. All members of the Association (all residents and landowners in the Woods) are invited to attend the meetings. Please check with your District Rep. for the location of the meeting.

Next Meeting - 9 July, 7:00 p.m., at 21 Old Spanish Trail. There will be a discussion of the picnic and possible Board candidates. For minutes of the last meeting, please see the LTWCA Web Site or your District Rep.


Los Trancos Woods (LTWCA) Web Site

The web site address is:                                                      The group e-mail list is:                                    


Our thanks to Jerry Jensen for maintaining this site

                                                AND Thank you to Alex Kostrikin for copying our newsletter.




LTWCA Board Opportunities


We are inviting community members to join in on the Board.

Benefits:        A great way to meet your neighbors. Give a little back to this neighborhood which provides us with so much. Find it very satisfying to keep alive the community spirit which exists here.

Commitment: 6 Board Meetings per year, one Annual Picnic, and for District Representatives 6 Newsletters per year to distribute to the mail boxes in your District of about 35 houses.

Openings: President


                       District I Representative (103-167 Ramona Rd., Carmel Way, 1008-1036 Los Trancos Rd.

                       District II Representative (1044-1183 Los Trancos Rd., Foxwood Rd.)

                       District III Representative (1184-1263 Los Trancos Rd., 176-179 Los Trancos Cir., Bonita Way, El Rey Rd.)

Contact: any Board Member listed in your LTW phone directory or Linda, 851-1787


Come join in! You will be glad you did!