SPECIAL NOTICE - January 2002


It is time to collect our Association dues. In the past dues of $5 per year have been collected to pay for the newsletters, the directory, the annual potluck, and miscellaneous expenses. This seems to provide adequate financing for the Association.

On a different note - In the last couple of years we have tried to set up an effective system for emergency preparedness. Carol Wagner has done a tremendous job spearheading this effort, and you all have received various communications on this topic from her directly or in the newsletters. The reality is that in the event of a large destructive event, such as an earthquake or fire, it is probable that our community might not receive significant outside support for several hours, more likely days. With this in mind many materials, much information, and a network of communication have been set up already to help us cope with an emergency. Much of this has been paid for, but not all, and some parts of our emergency system have annual expenses (food and batteries, for example).

This year we have decided to combine the collection for the Association dues ($10) and the Emergency Preparedness Fund ($10), hence a total of $20 per household. To make it easier for all involved, we will consider this a two year collection. If some households are willing to contribute more to the emergency preparedness fund, all gifts will be accepted gladly. (Some desirable items like First Aid Kits cost $350 apiece, and we eventually would like one for each of the four Districts.)

Your District Representative will be going house-to-house to collect the money and update you on emergency information. Please review the emergency information you have received already, so you are prepared with questions or comments. If you paid at last year’s September picnic, please subtract this amount from the $20. If you pay with a check, please make it out to Los Trancos Woods Community Association (LTWCA). We hope to have 100% collected by March 1st.

Thank you all for your crucial support of our community!




The Los Trancos Woods Community Association Board



District 1 - Gale Smith, 1015 Los Trancos Rd.; Armin Staprans, 159 Ramona Rd.

District II - Nelson Dake, 1074 Los Trancos Rd.; David Lowin, 115 Foxwood Rd.

District III - Jan Avilla, 1207 Los Trancos Rd.; Christine Hunner, 1247 Los Trancos Rd.

District IV - Linda Drey-Nightingale, 132 Los Trancos Cir.; Rebecca Reynolds, 144 El Nido Rd.